Myths are part of everyone’s life. If you happen to travel around the globe, you’ll notice that every other person on this planet seems to follow some kind of myth regardless of what position he holds in the society.
Sometimes, the myths are so stupid that one cannot help but just laugh at the mentality of the people. What’s astounding is that the myths revolve in industries as well.
In this article, we shall discuss about the myths revolving in the Pulp and Paper industry. As a responsible citizen, we feel the urge to give the information/explanation regarding each myth discussed over here.
- Myth: Paper production destroys the environment.
Paper production destroying the environment is one of the biggest myths revolving the Pulp and Paper industry. Paper production was, is and will never destroy the environment especially the forest environment. In fact, it promotes forest sustainability.
Many paper manufacturers around the globe encourage forest sustainability via purchase, usage of certified wood fiber and even by releasing sustainable forest management policies & practices at home & around the globe.
- Myth: Recycled paper is just the best:
Yes, we agree that recycled paper is just the best for usage and environment. Usage of recycled paper being the ultimate way for sustainable environment is one of the major myths revolving in the Pulp and Paper industry. But, do you know for how many times a paper can be recycled.
Yes, paper can be recycled only for limited number of times and that number is 7. After recycling the same paper for 7 times, the fibers tend to become too short, weak and as well as break down. Hence, we even require a regular supply of fresh, original fiber harvested from the responsibly managed forests.
- Myth: Electronic Means of Communication is just the best.
Yes, sometimes electronic means of communication is just the best. But, do you know for a fact that the electronic means of communication has more adverse effect on environment rather than traditional paper form of communication.
In a research, it has been found the major reason for many companies prefer electronic communication over paper communication is just to save money and there is no such thing as a company choosing going paperless as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
In fact, opting electronic methods consumes more of electricity and more consumption of electricity leads to CO2 emissions in the environment. More CO2 emissions in the environment are not good for the humans as well.
- Myth: Paper Packaging is just not decent enough.
The paper packaging is just not decent enough is again among the various myths revolving in the Pulp and Paper industry. The main aim of any kind of packaging (tin, glass, etc) is to protect the product.
Paper packaging other than protecting the product is for multiple reasons like, labelling of the product; which includes product name, brand name, manufacturing details, ingredients, net weight, etc.