Every manufacturing company will need to pack their cartons of finished products on pallets before they are shipped off to their customers. Depending on the level of complexity in the operation, sometimes the pallets of finished products will be packed in a warehouse as they await customer orders.
For most companies, pallet handling is a dangerously manual operation. It requires a high number of physically strong employees who can lift and hurl small packages or cartons of product onto lifts before being carted off to the warehouse or waiting trucks.
To bring efficiency to palletizing operations is the low-profile scissor lift table.
What is a low-profile scissor lift table?
As the name suggests, a low profile scissor lift table is a piece of lifting equipment that is suitable for handling pallet operations. It is a lift table that efficiently lifts from the pallet truck to their respective locations. It could be onto a truck ready for transport to the market or within the storage warehouse for finished products.
Every company with an extensive pallet handling operation will find that this lift table is quite useful and handy in streamlining these operations.
Benefits of a low-profile scissor lift table
Automate your pallet handling operations
As mentioned, many pallet handling operations are highly manual. This may sometimes lead to damages in the end product due to poor handling and accidents.
To avoid these instances, the low-profile scissor lift table is the best automation solution. It will lift your pallets easily to the desired height without the risk of damage to the goods.
Once automated, your pallet handling operations will be completed much faster saving time to get goods to the market or into the warehouse and allowing time for continuous production.
Reduce the risk of injury on your people
This lift table helps enhance safety in the workplace for your employees.
A lot of people who work in the pallet handling operations find that they have to consistently bend down to pick substantially heavy products. With time, this may cause severe injuries and harm to their bodies. Consequently, there will be high absenteeism, high employee turnover rates, and higher medical expenses payouts by the company.
A low-profile scissor lift table is the solution to all these. Once the pallets are arranged, it will lift them quickly and easily up to the desired height whether onto a truck or in the warehouse.
With this lift table, you can deploy your human resources better to other tasks that need them more.
Enhanced use of space on the factory floor
With the rising real estate costs, it is important that every company is able to make do with the space that they currently have.
A low-profile scissor lift table is a piece of compact equipment that does not require your company to seek additional space to use it. It occupies very little space and carries out the work of a large number of workers.
It goes a long way in helping organizations make better use of the space that they already have.
Enhance productivity
This lift table makes pallet handling operations easier. This means that you will not need as many people working in this section of your manufacturing process and that work will be done faster and thus more efficiently. With this lift table, you can do more with less.
Load capacity
To enhance your pallet operations, low profile scissor lift tables have a high load capacity. This means that it can comfortably lift heavy loads.
When buying a lift table, load capacity is one of the major considerations. Ensure that you buy a lift table that can capably handle the weight of your end products.
The low profile scissor lift table accrues numerous benefits to organizations that purchase them. They easily make pallet handling operations more efficient and effective. Saving time and money that are important resources to all businesses that need to compete effectively in their niches.