Paper is an important item in our day to day survival. Without its existence, it would be little difficult to imagine our lives. With the ever growing technology taking over every aspect in our life, there have been major impacts in our lives as well or lets’ say there will be.
Now the present generation is using paper in the classrooms for writing their notes, and as textbooks for reading. But there would be a day when the students would stop using paper and completely rely on the e-books for the notes and any additional information. There would be days when writing on the books would be considered to be ruled out.
Then coming to the newspapers, it is the first item which is needed as soon as we open our eyes. Luckily with the recent studies, it has been concluded that the print industry is growing in India rather than declining which has been observed in the first world countries. But with the busy lives we’re having, again there has come an option of e-paper to our convenience. The continuous use dependence on technology can make us lazy and increase our health problems (like eye).
The paper industry causes a lot of pollution (both air and water) in the environment. It releases gases such Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide, and Sulphur dioxide which is harmful if inhaled. The wastes dumped in the water can be harmful to the aquatic lives.
So, with the technology taking over it can be considered a good sign that there will be less of pollution caused and the environment will be safe, and there can be a climate change for a change.
It (manufacturing of paper) even requires excessive use of power which can reduced to very greater extent. Deforestation is the biggest problem because of the manufacturing of paper. Deforestation in simple terms can be defined as the removal of the trees. The removal of trees is very harmful to the entire living beings living in the ecology.
Consequently, it always better to have a balance in life. As environment, technology, and humans are completely inter dependent on each other.