Bry-Air, Inc.’s, founded in the year 1964 by Art Harms is a renowned company in the worldwide desiccant dehumidification market.
One of their manufactured products is Datacenter Air Purifier (DAP). It is for protecting the data center effectively from the threat of electronic corrosion and abrupt failures.
It houses a Honeycomb Chemical Filter which is the core of the system. It is the only comb filter with permanganate, with replacement of media filter very simple. The operating part is very simple and its filter cassettes are made up of stainless steel.
They’re according to the standards of ASHRAE 145.2 & ISO 11155-2 and because of low pressure drop the energy is saved. It removes both organic and inorganic contaminants from the air, is adaptable, packaging and handling can be done effortlessly.
Maintenance of this Datacenter Air Purifier system is very simple and appropriate for continuous operation. Because of the low weight, it is very trouble-free from handling.